You may have heard the belief that eating a lot of “chicken wings” may increase the risk of female reproductive system diseases. Especially “ovarian cysts”. Is there really a connection?
What causes ovarian cysts?
Polycystic ovary disease or ovarian cysts are caused by abnormal cell division in the ovaries. Which results in small cysts in the ovaries. It can be caused by abnormal functioning of the ovaries themselves. Endometriosis, and taking supplements containing female hormones in menopausal women.
Is eating chicken or chicken wings related to polycystic ovary disease?
Assoc. Prof. ทางเข้า, stated that when looking at the causes of ovarian cysts. It can be seen that eating chicken meat or any part of chicken, including chicken wings. Does not increase the risk of ovarian cysts in any way. Because there are no studies and medical research that found that eating chicken wings is one of the factors. That directly cause ovarian cyst. In addition, the current chicken farming industry does not use hormones to stimulate growth like in the past.
Chicken wings are not dangerous, but don’t eat too much.
Although chicken wings do not have any harmful effects on increasing the risk of polycystic ovary disease. It is still recommended to eat them in moderation, not too much. And try to avoid fried chicken and parts of chicken that are high in fat, such as chicken skin.